Tokey Belog Ini Nur Syahira Husna Ishak Turn a year older every 25th June Johor to Derby, United Kingdom A full time student My 7 Random Facts ![]() ![]() Mild Amnesia (susah tido) ![]() Suka makan tembikai ![]() Susah benci orang, tapi bila dah benci tiada maaf bagimu ![]() Suka warna kuning ![]() Tak suka makan benda manis ![]() Saya memilih kawan ![]()
| My Travel Story
Hello Panda(s),
Selama ni dok post kat Instageremmm ramai yang tanya nak tahu experience pergi jenjalan kat tempat orang. Ada yang tanya kenapa tak post gambar bebanyak laa, kenapa tanak cite macam mana boleh travel lama lama, camana nak simpan duit pergi travel la, banyak lagi. Harini baru rasa free sikit nak tulis. Sebenarnye rasa awkward gile ni start tulis blog balik especially bila bukak dashboard kite pastu baca blog post yang lelama, eiiii meremang bebulu roma hahha (is it just me, ke sume orang rasa benda yang sama?) :P
1. Pushpoints for travelling 'Killing two birds with one stone' sebenarnye pergi travel nie. Sebab on my side, alang alang aii tengah belajaq kat UK nie so aii pon amek la kesempatan pergi travel around Europe. Kalau travel dari UK, banyak nearby airport from where I live, they are reachable by train and bus and only take around 30min(East Midlands Airport), 1.5 hours(Birmingham International Airport), 2 hours(Manchester Airport) or the major and busiest airport in the UK situated in London(ada tiga airport kat London and they are less than 4 hours driving distance from my place). 2. Cost By taking distance into consideration, it is obvious laa kalau travel masa belajar kat sini lagi murah if compared to from Malaysia to Europe. For instance, kitorang pernah dapat ticket dari Manchester-Paris dengan harga £5 je, which equal to approximately RM30. Murahh kann????? This was taken in Paris in September 2016. 3. Stress Relief Kengkadang tu pergi travel ni bukan sengaja nak buang duit, tapi kitorg ni belajar macam nak mampos dah dia punya stress. HAHA. Bukan stress belajar je, stress tak dapat tengok mak ayah, stress kurang kasih sayang, stress family jauh, stress sebab kurang kawan(ada je kawan locals tapi bukan semua boleh percaya. Plus, agama and culture kita lain, bukan semua kite boleh share and tak semua orang boleh hormat dan faham kite, jadi ini pon punca stresssss. WKAKKA).
Lain tau muka masa pergi travel dgn muka pergi kelas. HAHA.
Jadi masa sebelum pergi travel ni kitorg push siapkan kerja dulu. Masa tu dah takde rupa orang dahm dah macam pontianak rambut serabut mata bengkak semua. HAHA. Pastu pergi tu rasa relieved gila sebab kerja dah siap pastu tinggal enjoy je to make sure every minute worths every penny that we have spent. :D 4. You are only getting older and your young age won't last forever. Boleh hadam tak atas nie? Haa this is exactly my next point. Sebab masa ni Alhamdulillah masih lagi bertenaga, duit ada laa cukup syukurrrrrr and im managing my time wisely. Memang la travel ni bukannye benda yang paling penting dalam hidup, tapi ikut la masing masing. Some even told me that travelling is just a waste of money and time, I should stop showing off. It was not my intention nak show of pon, tapi bila orang cakap macam tu I did not take it personally, I understand that I could not stop anyone from being such a paranoid so I just let them be lahhhh. :) 5. Dont listen to what they say, go see. This saying describes my journey. Kengkadang orang cakap itu ini, we will never know if we dont experience it ourself. Pergi laa tengok, develop our survival skills, belajar culture orang, tengok tempat orang. It will definately change the way you are thinking about the worls. It changed my thought in many ways. Mindset dengan mentality kite ni kengkadang senang terpengaruh dengan kita punya surrounding so traveling is a way to broad our mindset, mentality, perangai semua nie. :) In a nutshell..... I encourage bagi semua yang berkemampuan pergi travel. You desreve it. Take it as a retreat and promise to yourself once you go back, you have to be a better person and will work harder. It does change me, and maybe it could change you too. :) Till next time :) |